- Jan 24, 2022
- 3 min
No True Scotsman
Of all the elements in the critical-thinker’s tool bag, fallacies tend to have the coolest names, such as Argumentation from Outrage, Tu...
- Mar 25, 2021
- 4 min
Ethics Bowl - Correlation
Continuing to look at ways to apply critical-thinking principles to ethical dilemmas, including those making up national cases for this...
- Feb 14, 2021
- 4 min
But What About...?
Is there anything to be learned from the just-ended Impeachment II? What about whataboutism?
- Oct 31, 2020
- 3 min
Getting the Vote Count "Right"
Nowhere is the gap between human belief in the perfection of numbers, and their grubby reality more apparent than during an election count.
- Oct 24, 2020
- 4 min
The final presidential debate demonstrates how deliberation is where critical thinking and democratic politics meet.
- Oct 16, 2020
- 3 min
When it comes to critical thinking, the ambiguity inherent in language can easily lead to the fallacy of equivocation.
- Sep 30, 2020
- 4 min
Argumentation from Outrage
The first 2020 presidential debate is the new champion example of the informal fallacy argumentation from outrage.
- Sep 26, 2020
- 4 min
Donald Trump: Acting Base (Rate)
Donald Trump's TV Spots: Argument from Fear and Base-Rate Fallacies
- Sep 17, 2020
- 5 min
Joe Biden: Cool Kid and Rooster
What fallacies can we find in campaign commercials? First up: Joe Biden's "Laughed At" and "Timeline".
- Sep 10, 2020
- 3 min
Fallacies are errors in reasoning that occur so frequently they have been given names, some of which go back centuries.
- Sep 3, 2020
- 7 min
A Complex Argument for Opening Schools
How well does New York Times columnist @NickKristof make his case for school reopening?
- Aug 27, 2020
- 5 min
Countdown to the Next Big Count
Certainly something as ridiculously simple as counting can't lead to chaos and error. Can it?
- Aug 18, 2020
- 7 min
Apples to Apples
Mathmatical fallacies, like comparing apples to oranges, can have deadly consequences
- Aug 13, 2020
- 3 min
Rates of Confusion
How much do stats, including ones we need to measure our success fighting a pandemic, represent ideal numbers vs. a messy world?
- Aug 8, 2020
- 3 min
Playing with Numbers
What happens when our faith in the numeric information leads us astray?