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10 Key Points for Remote Teaching

In addition to putting up that previously mentioned resource page that includes links to documents from academic associations, state departments of education, colleges and universities and other educators to support teachers navigating a fast transition to remote learning, I’ve also just distilled that information into a short, animated video entitled 10 Key Points for Remote Teaching, available free on YouTube.

Like the mini-course released a couple of weeks ago that covered how to apply professional test-design principles to creating assessments and assignments for online courses, the new video is subtitled and Creative Common licensed, so pass it along to anyone who could use a boost, and feel free to make use if it in any other way that can help out.

MIT Press Live! Webinar Invitation

On April 7, the release date for my new book Critical Thinking Essentials, I’ll be giving a live webinar entitled Essential Knowledge for a Time of Crisis, part of the MIT Press Virtual Book Talk series taking place – you guessed it – via Zoom.

You’re all invited to register here for an event that will take place on Tuesday, April 7, 12:30-1:30, EST US time. I hope you can make it and pass the invite along to anyone else who might be interested.

Thanks to everyone and hang in there!


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